Brevio has developed a machine learning model to translate content in audit letters into machine-readable format. The following banks are supported and planned before the end of 2024:
DNB (NO): Supported ✅
Danske Bank (SE): Supported ✅
Danske Bank (NO): Supported ✅
Danske Bank (FI): In development 🏗️
Danske Bank (DK): In development 🏗️
The following information will be made available:
Account information and balances
Roles and rights
The information is made available in the following two ways:
On request via the web application (supported ✅): Click on Export to Excel and receive the information structured in one Excel document.
On request via API (supported ✅): Enables further automation, whereupon information from the audit letter is presented in JSON format. For more information, see our API-documentation.